Nielson asks for help with book

Mr. Bill Nielson is currently writing a book on the history of Nielsons Inc. Some of Bill's records were disposed of by a former employee who thought any documents older than five years were no...

DATE: April 10, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

Beware the zombie religion

Secularism describes attitudes, activities or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. For people, however, true secularism is a fleeting thing. We humans are hard-wired for faith...

DATE: April 10, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

Egg hunt a big success

Kudos go to the hard-working staff at the Dolores Town Hall for putting on yet another fabulous Easter egg hunt on Saturday. Thankfully, this year we were treated to wonderful weather and a...

DATE: April 3, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

Where is the goat?

Spring seems to be here in Dolores, much to the relief of many, except for maybe the farmers who would like to see much more snow in the mountains. We need to fill McPhee, so a few more...

DATE: March 28, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

Spring is here, finally

Another beautiful week of weather greeted Dolores residents and as the first day of spring rolled around, the signs of winter being over were everywhere.First, the Dolores High School baseball team...

DATE: March 21, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

Coffee-makers at Pony Expresso save the day

There was a blood drive at the Dolores High School last week and a few of the students left the drive a bit light-headed.One such person, arrived at the Pony Expresso and told owners Mark Looper...

DATE: March 14, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

A glimpse of spring this week

Weather was absolutely beautiful this week. Temperatures were around 60 degrees....oh so warm. In fact, it felt so warm this week that my 4-year-old daughter, Ava, asked me to turn the sprinklers...

DATE: March 7, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

The importance of borders

There are many geopolitical problems in the world today. The news is inundated with stories about the defiance of North Korea and conflicts in Africa, as well as other parts of the world. Everyone...

DATE: Feb. 28, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

Who do you turn to?

Ok, I'm going to date myself and let you know I've lived a fairly long life. I still like the Beatles. Growing up in the 60s, their songs resonated with me and millions of people around the world,...

DATE: Feb. 28, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

A new place to eat dinner

Karla, of Karla's Kitchen fame, told me this week that she plans to begin serving dinner, in addition to her yummy breakfasts and lunches. Starting Friday, March 1, she said, the restaurant on the...

DATE: Feb. 28, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

Tractors at school in Dolores

A few lucky students that are part of the FFA program at the Dolores High School got to drive tractors to school on Tuesday. It was FFA week at the school and students celebrated by driving their...

DATE: Feb. 21, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

The Pope and the President

There were two major stories in the news this week. This first was the unexpected resignation of the Pope. The second was the President's State of the Union Address. These two figures, the Pope and...

DATE: Feb. 14, 2013 | CATEGORY: DS - Columnists

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