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Not over summer? Here are four Colorado beaches you should visit before the season ends

Winter is coming. Summer is ending. As such, it’s time to try to get all of your summer fun before it’s over and we’re stuck with snow. Again.

One of the worst parts about summer wrapping up, however, is that there will be no more visits to swimming holes and beaches. No more drinking hard seltzer in your tube. No more...

Latest Living

A dog in Ouray is getting famous for walking on two legs

We’re not sure if it’s because we’re outside the Gen Z, 16-to-24 demographic, or because we have attention spans well over a minute, but we don’t find ourselves watching TikTok videos very often. That may change, though, because we just discovered @dexterdogouray.

Dexter has three things going for him in the...

Forget murder hornets ... now there are zombie cicadas

You can never have too many things to worry about ... or, at least that seems to be the lesson that 2020 is trying to teach us, anyway. As if the “murder hornets” in the Pacific Northwest weren’t a scary enough thing to fear in the world of insects, there are apparently now zombie cicadas in West Virginia,...

Get Outta Town: See Pando, one of the oldest, most massive living organisms on Earth

On the western edge of the Colorado Plateau in south-central Utah sits one of the oldest and most massive living organisms in the world: Pando.

Based on the ominous-sounding name, you’d think it would be some sort of Godzilla-sized panda bear. You’d be wrong, though. It’s ... well, it’s a bunch of trees. Quaking aspens...

Ghost sightings have increased now that everyone’s stuck at home

Just because people are social distancing doesn’t mean visitors from the other side got the message nor necessarily care.

In fact, there seems to be an uptick in reported paranormal sightings. The New York Times reported on stories from across the country of people relaying their increased experiences with the...

Show us your crappy quarantine haircuts

Did you lose your mind while stuck inside on quarantine, driven mad by the long wisps of man-bangs or natural roots sprouting from your head? Did you take those matters into your own scissored hands and cut your hair like a very drunk Edward Scissorhands? Uhhh, hell yes. Please let us see.

And by that we mean please let...

What will you do when disaster strikes?

As much as it might seem that way as you reach the end of your last roll of toilet paper, staring down the barrel of having to make a trip to the supermarket and dodge its roving horde of potential disease vectors, COVID-19 is not the end of the world.

But the coronavirus outbreak does have...

A mental health survival guide for COVID-19

You’re probably a wee bit sick of hearing about COVID-19 (aka coronavirus) at this point and truth be told so are we. But since literally everything is shutting down, everyone is working from home, and life as we know it has been canceled until further notice, there’s really no getting around it.

In the name of being a...

Your cat is definitely going to eat your body after you die

You’ve spent years, maybe even decades giving the best care to your feline. You’ve fed them, cleaned them, taken them to the vet, bought them toys, pet them ceaselessly, and forgave them time and time again for being an asshole.

Then, one day, you’re eating a sandwich for lunch at your kitchen table. A chunk of it gets...

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