Wilderness: symbolic and practical

President Obama recently proclaimed September “National Wilderness Month.” His action could not be more appropriate and timely for Colorado. While our state contains many magnificent wilderness...

DATE: Nov. 5, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

‘Distinctive traditional uses’

This past summer, the Dolores Public Lands Office re-initiated work on the Boggy-Glade Travel Management Plan and asked for public input on how we could improve the plan. We received a great amount...

DATE: Oct. 25, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

The needs of the young

As a retired social scientist, one of the principles learned from my career that has stuck to me the most, having studied this and that about humans and their culture, is simply stated: “Any...

DATE: Oct. 11, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

The business of outdoor recreation

Hunting and fishing are not merely pastimes enjoyed by Colorado sportsmen and sportswomen. Abundant wildlife is as much a part of Colorado’s identity as our majestic landscapes. In a state that...

DATE: Sept. 24, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

Hunting, fishing crucial for wildlife management

The “good ol’ days” were tough on Colorado’s wildlife. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, trout, deer, elk, bighorn sheep, wild turkey and many other wildlife species were nearly wiped out from...

DATE: Sept. 24, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

Bridging the gap

The Bridge Emergency Shelter opens for our sixth full season on Oct. 15. Significant changes are planned for operations inside the shelter. This season we will focus on separating our services into...

DATE: Sept. 15, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

Return the West to equal footing

Our public lands have become a focal point for confusion, controversy, ignorance and hysterical behavior. Why? We need to look at our history to begin to understand.Going back to our Declaration of...

DATE: Sept. 13, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

This month, get your family into the wild

President Barack Obama has proclaimed September 2011 to be National Wilderness Month. “This month, we honor this land that we love, and commit to ensuring our wilderness remains a place where all...

DATE: Sept. 13, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

SWOS — a second chance to succeed

There’s a good chance you are familiar with Southwest Open School and the very special role it plays in our area’s public education system. For 25 years, our program has been changing the lives of...

DATE: Sept. 1, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

We want the absolute best for our students

To the parents and students of the RE-1 school district:I would like to offer my personal apology to each parent, student and member of our school community for the problems created by our student...

DATE: Sept. 1, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

Reducing road densities

During our public outreach this summer on travel-management changes proposed for the Boggy-Glade area of the San Juan National Forest, there’s been much discussion regarding the effects of...

DATE: Aug. 23, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

Have Americans had enough yet?

Well, now! Is the spectacle in Washington, D.C., finally enough? The Democrats and Republicans have polarized themselves into complete ineffectiveness with ideological grandstanding. This is not...

DATE: Aug. 23, 2011 | COLUMN: Guest Columns

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