Darryl Glenn says he is the leader needed in U.S. Senate


Darryl Glenn says he is the leader needed in U.S. Senate


Darryl Glenn says he is the leader needed in U.S. Senate

Darryl Glenn

AGE: 51
RESIDENCE: Colorado Springs
EDUCATION: Law degree, New England School of Law; Master of Business Administration, Western New England College of Law; Bachelor of Science, U.S. Air Force Academy.
POLITICAL BACKGROUND: El Paso County commissioner; Colorado Springs City Council.
OCCUPATION: County commissioner; attorney.
FAMILY: Two daughters
PUBLIC LANDS: Open to transferring federal lands to the authority of the states.
IRAN: Opposes nuclear deal
EDUCATION: More local choice, including vouchers; opposed Common Core.
GOLD KING MINE: Calling for further investigation into the EPA; hold EPA accountable to a transparent reclamation process.
RURAL COLORADO: Reduce federal regulations that affect farmers and ranchers.
MARIJUANA: Opposes legalization, but would fight for right of state to implement.
GUN CONTROL: Ardent supporter of Second Amendment, opposed to additional restrictions.
ABORTION: Opposes abortion.
IMMIGRATION: Opposes a path to citizenship.
SUPREME COURT: Supports delay in appointing nominee until after election.
HEALTH REFORM: Would repeal Affordable Care Act.