Faces in the Crowd: The Depot crew

Faces in the Crowd: The Depot crew

Patsy Sainz, owner of The Depot Restaurant, poses Wednesday morning with her husband, Dale Murphy. The Depot serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and offers new specials, said Sainz. The biggest news at The Depot is that Sainz is now a proud grandmother two granddaughters born just a few weeks apart. Daughter Alisha Liska gave birth to Rylee Jayne on Nov. 8 and son Jaime Sainz, of Tucson, is the father of Norah Marie, born on Sept. 24.

Faces in the Crowd: The Depot crew

Patsy Sainz, owner of The Depot Restaurant, poses Wednesday morning with her husband, Dale Murphy. The Depot serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and offers new specials, said Sainz. The biggest news at The Depot is that Sainz is now a proud grandmother two granddaughters born just a few weeks apart. Daughter Alisha Liska gave birth to Rylee Jayne on Nov. 8 and son Jaime Sainz, of Tucson, is the father of Norah Marie, born on Sept. 24.
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