The new generation


The new generation

Navajo-Churro sheep, still listed as threatened by the American Livestock Conservancy, is getting a boost in the Four Corners from Arriola Sunshine Farms. The farm is helping to restore and market the breed, which is valued for its wool, hide and meat. The farm has about 50 head on their five acres. Above, a Navajo-Churro lamb. Story on Page 1B.

The new generation

Navajo-Churro sheep, still listed as threatened by the American Livestock Conservancy, is getting a boost in the Four Corners from Arriola Sunshine Farms. The farm is helping to restore and market the breed, which is valued for its wool, hide and meat. The farm has about 50 head on their five acres. Above, a Navajo-Churro lamb. Story on Page 1B.