Re-1: Sports facilities in need of upgrade


Re-1: Sports facilities in need of upgrade

Lack of toilets, poor lighting are big issues at middle school
A new football stadium and other sports facilities would be included in the bond issue if it passes in the November election.

Re-1: Sports facilities in need of upgrade

A new football stadium and other sports facilities would be included in the bond issue if it passes in the November election.
How much would it cost in taxes?

Residential property owners $23.40 per $100,000 of assessed value per year
Commercial property owners $85.32 per $100,000 of assessed value per year
Agricultural property owners $0.49 cents per acre per year
Flood irrigated land owners $0.45 cents per acre per year
Dry land farming owners $0.04 per acre per year
Grazing land farming owners $0.02 per acre per year